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Space, belonging and politics of memory in eastern Europe

The Hungarian Historical Review is a peer-reviewed international journal of the social sciences and humanities with a focus on Hungarian history. The journal’s geographical scope—Hungary and East-Central Europe—makes it unique: the Hungarian Historical Review explores historical events in Hungary, but also raises broader questions in a transnational context. The articles and book reviews cover topics regarding Hungarian and East-Central European History. The journal aims to stimulate dialogue on Hungarian and East-Central European history in a transnational context. The journal fills lacuna, as it provides a forum for articles and reviews in English on Hungarian and East-Central European history, making Hungarian historiography accessible to the international reading public and part of the larger international scholarly discourse.

Többet a könyvről

Maps of Remembrance

Space, belonging and politics of memory in eastern Europe

The Hungarian Historical Review is a peer-reviewed international journal of the social sciences and humanities with a focus on Hungarian history. The journal’s geographical scope—Hungary and East-Central Europe—makes it unique: the Hungarian Historical Review explores historical events in Hungary, but also raises broader questions in a transnational context. The articles and book reviews cover topics regarding Hungarian and East-Central European History. The journal aims to stimulate dialogue on Hungarian and East-Central European history in a transnational context. The journal fills lacuna, as it provides a forum for articles and reviews in English on Hungarian and East-Central European history, making Hungarian historiography accessible to the international reading public and part of the larger international scholarly discourse.

Többet a könyvről

Maps of Remembrance

Space, belonging and politics of memory in eastern Europe

The Hungarian Historical Review is a peer-reviewed international journal of the social sciences and humanities with a focus on Hungarian history. The journal’s geographical scope—Hungary and East-Central Europe—makes it unique: the Hungarian Historical Review explores historical events in Hungary, but also raises broader questions in a transnational context. The articles and book reviews cover topics regarding Hungarian and East-Central European History. The journal aims to stimulate dialogue on Hungarian and East-Central European history in a transnational context. The journal fills lacuna, as it provides a forum for articles and reviews in English on Hungarian and East-Central European history, making Hungarian historiography accessible to the international reading public and part of the larger international scholarly discourse.

Többet a könyvről
Zombory Mate
3.000 Ft 2.400 Ft

Space, belonging and politics of memory in eastern Europe

The Hungarian Historical Review is a peer-reviewed international journal of the social sciences and humanities with a focus on Hungarian history. The journal’s geographical scope—Hungary and East-Central Europe—makes it unique: the Hungarian Historical Review explores historical events in Hungary, but also raises broader questions in a transnational context. The articles and book reviews cover topics regarding Hungarian and East-Central European History. The journal aims to stimulate dialogue on Hungarian and East-Central European history in a transnational context. The journal fills lacuna, as it provides a forum for articles and reviews in English on Hungarian and East-Central European history, making Hungarian historiography accessible to the international reading public and part of the larger international scholarly discourse.

Többet a könyvről

Hasonló termékek

Gyártó: Feischmidt Margit

Nemzet a mindennapokban

A könyv a mai magyar nacionalizmus hétköznapi és populáris formáiról szól. Azokat a beszédmódokat, jelképeket és társadalmi folyamatokat elemzi, amelyek a nemzetet a 21. század elején újra vonzóvá és fontossá teszik.

3.800 Ft 3.040 Ft


A város egykor drámai színház, közösen írott szöveg volt, mára biztos pontok nélküli áramlás, infokommunikációs hálózatok csomópontja. Az indusztrializáció utáni városból végletekig ellenőrzött metropolisz lett. Egyik oldalán egy új globális gazdaság szimbolikus és térbeli előrenyomulásával, a másikon lakóhelyi szegregációval, a ,,láthatatlan" kultúra és a reménytelenség rétegeinek egymásra rakódásával. Ahogyan a kibernetikai urbanizáció fokozatosan térkép- és emlékezet nélküli hellyé változtatja a várost, úgy esik szét a személyiség. A város falaival együtt énünk határai is leomlanak, hogy bizonytalan brand-identitások kiárusítható elemeivé váljunk.

1.990 Ft 1.590 Ft


The Hungarian Historical Review is a peer-reviewed international journal of the social sciences and humanities with a focus on Hungarian history. The journal’s geographical scope—Hungary and East-Central Europe—makes it unique: the Hungarian Historical Review explores historical events in Hungary, but also raises broader questions in a transnational context. The articles and book reviews cover topics regarding Hungarian and East-Central European History. The journal aims to stimulate dialogue on Hungarian and East-Central European history in a transnational context. The journal fills lacuna, as it provides a forum for articles and reviews in English on Hungarian and East-Central European history, making Hungarian historiography accessible to the international reading public and part of the larger international scholarly discourse.


Szerzők(vesszővel elválasztva) Zombory Mate
Megjelenés 2012
Terjedelem 311 oldal
Kötészet puhatáblás
ISBN 9789632365466
Arrow Forward